Tuition is due by the 15th of each month.
A $10.00 late fee will be added to past due accounts.

Annual Registration Fee ..................... $35.00 per student
1st Student in the family, 1st class ..... $70.00 monthly
2nd Student in the family, 1st class .....$60.00 monthly
Each additional weekly class ...............$25.00 monthly
Family rate capped at...……………….…$280.00 monthly: 2 students or up to 8 classes
$330.00 monthly: 3+ students or 10+ classes
Once Upon A Christmas Eve
No Recital Fee
Costume Contract and $25 per costume Rental will apply.
Spring Recital
$35.00 Costume Deposit and Contract due with January tuition.
$35.00 Recital Fee due with February tuition.
Costume balances due by April 15th.
Tuition Example:
Each week
Sally takes Ballet $70.00 Tap $25.00 = $95.00 monthly
Sister Sara takes Ballet $60.00 and Jazz $25.00= $85.00 monthly
Total Family Tuition = $180.00 monthly